"The learning activity was founded on the concept of the presentation for the ‘Fix the Digital Divide’ campaign. It is based on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of No Poverty and Quality Education. It was an enjoyable experience through which I learned valuable lessons and got to showcase my knowledge, creativity, social media expertise, and design skills." Level 5
"After completing this campaign, it has made me realise my strengths and weaknesses. One weakness being my creative thinking. I have found that I am much better as doing research and analysis, rather then coming up with creative ideas. I feel that the task has helped me in the future by showing me that I am efficient when working within a group. This is a great element to take into the working world in the future." Level 5
"During the learning experience, I have realised the need to undertake in-depth research on the topic and rehearse for presentations. When research is done well, it is easier to make great presentations. It is also important to identify challenges that might arise and find a way to mitigate them. My learning plays a vital role in the successful accomplishment of learning exercises. To have previous knowledge about a topic makes it easier to undertake additional research on the topic. Quickly, it is important for a successful undertaking of future exercises to have the basics about undertaking such assignments." Level 5
"How my learning will help in the future is that I can still work in a team in a lockdown environment where everyone in my team may be living miles apart from each other. I never imagined this assignment would be the most easier of assignments but the assignment went through without anything that was causing a great deal of stress." Level 5
"The process of the campaign ran smoothly, was enjoyable but challenging at times. Due to being restricted by Covid-19, we adapted by developing our campaign remotely and using online resources. Reflecting on the experience of this learning activity the presentation was successful and has supplied me with the knowledge and skills to produce more professional campaigns for the future, within the PR industry." Level 5
"My experience from this assignment project was extremely productive, as it allowed me to learn more about communicating within a team. This is because, I was able to feel connected with the group throughout project process and helped to understand the ways on working better during a time that does not allow us to communicate in person. The knowledge I have applied to this project is mainly coming up with different ideas for the advertising campaigns, as it allowed me to develop my creative skills further. Furthermore, this assignment has positively helped me to improve my confidence in researching and analysing information which is essential for me for the advertising career I would like to pursue in future." Level 6
"This project helped me with expanding my interpersonal skills such as communication, both in real life and online environment, it improved my confidence, and reminded me that I am a do-it-yourself perfectionist, who despite working easily within a group, likes to put the final touches to the projects and supervise the work
of others. I link this behaviour with the concepts I currently explore during psychotherapy – control problems and letting other people ‘exploit’ me. I should have not let myself work on finalizing and polishing the work, because it was very time consuming and instead, I should have given tasks to each member of the group or ask them to organize their materials in a better way. In the future projects, I definitely need to be more assertive, and work more on my leader skills." Level 6
"From this project, I have gained commercial awareness and have gained a better insight into the advertising industry. I found it interesting to apply advertising theories and models, this provided me a greater understanding of what strategies are effective and why this is." Level 6
"From this project, I have gained commercial awareness and have gained a better insight into the advertising industry. I found it interesting to apply advertising theories and models, this provided me a greater understanding of what strategies are effective and why this is." Level 6
"this project was enjoyable because of the freedom to create and express ideas for a real brief, while under a real timescale. I enjoyed working in my group because we worked well by communicating and sticking to deadlines well. Despite the coronavirus pandemic, we still worked effectively and I’m glad I took on the role of an account producer. It was a challenge to make sure that my workload provided useful information for the group to enact on." Level 6